OK, so I am thinking I better change the settings of my blog to adult, simply because here in the Underworld? We drop the F-Bomb on a regular basis, and even though I don't go around chanting Fuckity-fuck-fuck-fuck, there's probably pretty good odds that I am gonna drop it, and people should be forewarned so they don't run screaming, horrified, and flag the crap outta me. What do you think?
I would hate to get upset about that, because then Hades would get pissed, and when he is mad, on my behalf, bad things happen. One time, one of the four horsemen- never mind, that's probably not a good story to tell here.
So, this morning, dropping my kids off at the high school, we were listening to the radio, and mind you, I adore torturing my teenagers, so I listen to one of the local country stations, where they use ya'll instead of yo in songs, and when they say hoe, they mean the tool to garden with.
Anyway, while dropping these tortured children off at the high school, Jason Aldeen's Dirt Road Anthem comes on, and I realize that step son in the front seat is singing his heart out, and daughter in the back seat is harmonizing beautifully. It was so good that I stopped singing, just so I could listen to them. Then step-son turned all country-twangy with "We like corn bread and biscuits, and if it's broke round here we fix it." And ruined the spell they had woven, and then they dissolved into hysterical laughter.
Now, these two of the six we call a brood are musically inclined. I don't mean like Erinyes who spent six years with her ipod headphones in her ears, I mean Zagreus (Step-son) is teaching himself the electric guitar and can play a few songs so far, and Macaria (daughter) plays trumpet and alto sax for the high school band, and is stumbling her way through learning the acoustic guitar in the privacy of her own bedroom. They each have talent musically, and out of the six, they can appreciate music that is not just their favorites, even though they both can rap right along with Lil Wayne, scream along with Disturbed, and even be-bop to Miley Cyrus.
They may not be huge fans of country music, but today's performance in the car was amazing. Zagreus has a fantastic voice, and can sing wonderfully, and Macaria actually has the voice of an angel (even if she looks like a demon with all that died black hair and thick black eyeliner.) I wonder if I can force them into singing Christmas carols this year at the family get together?
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